Home DNA Testing: How To Choose The Better DNA Test Kit
What makes DNA testing so popular is its ability to be performed not only in DNA Test Laboratories, but also in the privacy of their own homes. The search for biological parentage can be an emotional time for most people. Some find it rather uncomfortable to let friends know they are undertaking a DNA paternity test. Some also find it awkward if their surrogate family, the one who has raised them and love them all their lives, find out that they are undergoing a DNA paternity test to prove or disprove relationships and parentage!
With that in mind, DNA test laboratories and DNA testing companies came up with the home DNA test kits. Home DNA test kits are easy to perform and the best part is that home DNA test kits can be bought online, delivered privately, and be done in the privacy of the home!
Without question, home DNA test kit can be bought online. But the question remains: with all the home DNA test kits to choose from, which one is better? Here are some points of comparison or things to consider when choosing a home DNA test kit:
1. ISO 17025 Accredited Like any organization or companies, DNA testing companies should be ISO 17025 accredited to ensure that consumers are receiving quality products. In this case, a home DNA test kit should be ISO 17025 Accredited to guarantee its quality.
2. AABB Parentage Accreditation Program The better home DNA test kit should also be one that comes from a DNA test laboratory that is a member of AABB Parentage Accreditation Program. Again, this is an international accreditation program to ensure that quality of DNA testing procedure and of the accuracy of interpreting test results.
3. Collection services A better home DNA test kit should come from a DNA testing company with an affiliate DNA test laboratory that is willing to collect your DNA test kit and your specimen where you want it and when you want it. Again, privacy of the DNA tester should be of their primary concern.
4. Percentage of Inclusions and Exclusions A better home DNA test kit should come from a DNA testing company that offers 100% exclusions of paternity and 99.9% inclusions of paternity. In simple layman’s term, exclusion percentage shows the tester who can not be their fathers, and inclusion show who can possibly be their father
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