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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Microsoft Zune vs. Apple iPod

Our generation will forever remember the barrage of ads that made you make the ultimate choice … Coke or Pepsi? That was a choice that you were forced to make between two industry giants with a blindfold on so you couldn’t have an unfair advantage in your choice. The battle between Microsoft Zune and iPod Video for the best MP3 player on the market isn’t one that you can decide with a blindfold on, but it is one that will cause a lifetime of allegiance. There is no wishy-washy, back and forth mood swings with the choice you are about to make here, just read the following facts and decide if you are going to side with the iPod or the Zune.

  • The first thing for you to consider when you are deciding between the Microsoft Zune and iPod Video is that this version of the iPod is the fifth generation for Apple’s famed video player. What does this mean to you? Obviously, Microsoft could have learned from Apple’s mistakes, but most of the time you have to learn from your own in this area. Based on trial and error success, iPod would be the more polished product at this point.
  • If you are unsure of what size hard drive you need in your MP3 player then you may need to go with the Zune because the choice is easy, it only comes in the 30GB model. With iPod you will have choices galore from the single GB models all the way up to the massive 80GB monsters. This category is purely based on your desire, how much space do you need?
  • Both digital music players chime in with around 14 hours of battery life on a full charge, with approximately four hours needed to charge to full life. You could go with a quick two hour charge, however, and get around 80% of the life of the battery in short time.
  • One of the most difficult things to master with your new digital music player is the navigation device. iPod is famous for its wheel that allows you to cycle through your library by moving your hand in a circular motion. With the Zune you will have a circle that clicks in every direction for certain tasks, but the fast forward and play buttons are separate.


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