Day Job Killer, The Wait is Over, But Is It Better Than Project-X?
Day Job Killer is finally available.
Ever since Chris McNeely announced he was releasing Day Job Killer I have been waiting with keen anticipation. When I first read the hype about his last product Affiliate Project-X, I was sceptical as to whether the contents could match the bold claims being made.
One thing was for sure, the marketing and launch of the product were mind blowing. Affiliate Project-X sold close to 6,000 copies in its first week. It was the product's enormous popularity that drew me to it and made me decide to part with $98. If the guy who wrote Affiliate Project-X, Chris McNeely could mastermind the sale of 6,000 ebooks in one week he must know a thing or two about Affiliate Marketing. Project X was brilliant, but Day Job Killer is even better.
Affiliate Project-X Changed My Clickbank Statement Forever!
Before reading Project-X I had been concentrating on developing Adsense sites. At that point my previous attempts at Affiliate Marketing had proven fruitless, my total Clickbank earnings to that date were a pathetic $62. What made it worse was that I had spent more than that on PPC advertising to earn it!
Within days of buying Project-X my Clickbank statement changed forever. Affiliate sales worth $100 regularly appear in my account thanks to Project-X. Applying methods such as the Leech and the Workhorse have proven to be extremely profitable. Chris's tips on copywriting and writing PPC Adverts are also excellent.
Affiliate Project-X was Brilliant but Day Job Killer is Simply Priceless!
Project-X is brilliant and a must have purchase for anyone serious about Affiliate Marketing. But Day Job Killer is simply priceless, the wait for its release has been painful, but well worth the wait here's why:
"Direct Linking on Crack" is a Kill Your Job technique based around "The Google Cash" method. It is THE Solution for Lazy Affiliates, or at least people like me who do still have a day job and can't afford the time to set up numerous Landing or Squeeze Pages. With the Direct Linking method you need no HTML knowledge. You just set up a PPC campaign pointing at the Affiliate Product's site. Google have made it difficult to apply the "Google Cash" method in the last couple of years, but Day Job Killer shows you how you can still do it successfully and make lots of money.
Day Job Killer’s "Campaign Nuking" technique shows you how to "steal" other advertiser's Adwords campaigns, underbid them and profit big time with your affiliate sales, as with most of Day Job Killer’s methods, it takes the hard work out of making a lot of money over and over again.
"The Leveller" is a longer term technique in Day Job Killer that shows you how to build a list at the expense of others, and then use the list to build a long term income.
In summary, having read the whole of Day Job Killer several times already I can see quickly that its contents are going to be priceless and take my affiliate earnings to a new level. I am confident that using the first method alone in Day Job Killer I will be able to triple my current Affiliate income in a matter of days.
If you're serious about making money through Affiliate Marketing, if you want to pay your mortgage off early or really want to give your day job up, then Day Job Killer is an essential read for you today! I can't recommend Day Job Killer highly enough. You can read more about Day Job Killer at
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