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Friday, May 11, 2007

Hummingbirds and HummZingers

One of the most fascinating sights in nature is that of a Hummingbird feeding at a station you've provided for them. If you don't have the space for natural plants, or no time to create and maintain a special area, you can still attract and enjoy Hummingbird visits with nectar feeders.

While Hummingbirds are attracted by the colors of red and orange, a constant source of quick-energy nectar will keep them coming back regardless of the color of the container. Keeping any color dye out of the liquid eliminates any potentially adverse effects of unnecessary chemicals. Feeders should be placed near shrubs or small trees so the Hummingbirds can seek quick refuge from potential predators. As with any birds you would like to attract to your yard, providing clean water on a regular basis is a must.

With respect to commercial Hummingbird feeders, my favorite selection is the HummZinger line from Aspects, Inc. The HummZingers have a bright red cover to attract Hummingbirds without the use of dyes. The polycarbonate construction affords durability. There is a wrap-around perch that allows the Hummingbirds to rest in-between sips of nectar. The HummZingers have ant moats and some have built-in tips at the ports to keep flying insects away from the food. All models are easy to clean and hang without spilling the nectar. The HummZingers all come apart quickly for easy cleaning.

The HummZingers even have the recipe for nectar on the underside of the cover. For reference, it consists of 1 part white sugar to 4 parts water.

Keeping any Hummingbird feeder clean and the nectar fresh, as well as providing a safe environment with readily available water, are minor tasks that can be rewarded with marvelous visits from these tiny wonders of nature.