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Monday, December 04, 2006

Kids Shoes - Making The Right Selection

Shoe Selection Guide...

Newborn/Infants Shoes

For infants, the primary reason for shoes is to keep little feet warm and comfortable; secondarily, to look nice.

All infant shoes are generally soft-soled, and made of breathable materials.

* Booties are ideal for newborns.
* Lambskin shoes are the dressiest.
* For cold weather Booties and Slipper socks will keep the feet toasty warm.
* For outdoor winter wear, Boots are designed with a very large opening (almost like a paper sack), so that little feet can easily step into them, without the hassle of bending, turning and twisting the feet as with other boots. Once they are on, simply pull the 2 drawstrings to create a custom fit over socks, slippers or shoes.

Infants/Crawlers Shoes

For more active youngsters, keeping the soft-sole shoes on their feet (whether in a stroller or crawling) may present a bit of a challenge. The unique elastic ankle systems allow shoes to slide on easily, and then stay on. However, they are not too binding, as with some other brands which often leave painful red marks and indentations on tender feet.

Early Walkers Shoes

Before you know it, children progress from crawling to cruising (the first steps while holding onto furniture, etc.) to their wobbly first steps. As recommended by medical experts worldwide, soft-sole shoes are essential to proper foot development and growth during this time and onward. All of our slippers and shoes are soft-soled. You can freely choose any design with the comfort of knowing that you are choosing the absolute best type of shoe/slipper for your child. For indoors, any of the above-mentioned brands would be great. For kids' shoes, we prefer a slightly higher level of protection than a suede sole. Stride Rite offers dual thin, flexible leather soles; the Naturino sandals, Soft Socks and our Primigi shoes feature flexible rubber soles.


All of the issues from the previous group also apply here. But for maximum outdoor protection, some parent prefer a thicker rubber sole once kids hit age 2 or 3. The Stride Rite and L'Amour Shoes have been extremely popular. The Umi Sandals are great for warm summer days.


At 11:03 PM , Blogger jenifer said...

I like to shop at 'Robeez' store of CouponAlbum site for my kids.


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