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Friday, February 23, 2007

The Magic of Barbie and Ken

Barbie and Ken ares the image of the perfect couple. They have a perfect physical appearance and if they ever had children, their offspring would definitely be eye-catching. Anything that came out from their gene pool would be absolutely stunning.

They also have the perfect jobs, several of them in fact. Between them, Barbie and Ken spent time as teachers, doctors, chefs, astronauts, soldiers, and pro surfers. Well, now that I think about it, I don’t know if Ken ever had a job.

Of course, that is other than hanging around Malibu and growing a beard. But I guess if your girlfriend holds down so many jobs, there’s no need for you to work. After all, someone has to take care of the pink poodle and the dream house.

They also have the perfect wardrobes. Barbie and Ken have clothes and shoes for every occasion. Barbie even has more jewelry and accessories than ten runway models in a year. The perfect couple has everything that anyone could want, and when I was a little girl I wanted to be like them. I wanted a Malibu Beach Barbie body, an amazing car, my own hair salon, and a dream house.

My mom always told me that real people like Barbie and Ken just don’t exist, but when I grew up, I discovered that they do. There are exceptional people that seem to have it all. They are the trendsetters or the beautiful people. They drive high-end cars, wear the most fashionable dresses, and know all the right places to be seen.

Like Barbie and Ken, they make absolutely perfect matches. However, there is something that I learned about my dolls when I was four years old. If you take their heads off, you will discover that they are hollow inside. Sadly, I have found out that most of the real life Barbie and Ken types are just as hollow as my dolls.


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