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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Cash Back Shopping - How You Can Benefit From The Wave Of Cashback Sites

The cost per sale for online retailers is generally lower than traditional walk in premises on your local high street. And guess what? The product prices remain the same, potentially earning more profit for the vendor. I would like to explain how you can claw back some of this extra profit that the online sellers make.

This online arena is highly competitive, concessions and product offers are common place and also expected to a degree. There is however, another layer to this that is experiencing high growth. Cash back sites give something back to the consumer for loyalty shopping, online retailers pay commission to these sites for referred sales. The cash back sites in turn reward your loyalty to them in the form of reward points or even better direct monetary payment.

There are many sites which offer between £2.50 and £5 for free registration and provide healthy cash backs when used for your online purchases. These sites also bring together special online bargains and special promotions. And with no payment ever made to the sites, it becomes compelling to join. Over time these sites will reap rewards and with referent programs you can actually earn money without spending any your self. We all have to purchase items from time to time. You should shop smart.

The ideal situation would be if you did all of your online shopping for yourself, family, friends or even work. You would then be able to earn cash backs for yourself or a worthy cause. and up to 20% of sale value back this could turn into an easy way to benefit from the retailers online profit