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Monday, January 28, 2008

Hoodia Diet Patch Review

Hoodia Diet Patch discovered many centuries ago, by the Bushmen of the Kalahari, Hoodia reduced their cravings for food and water in the extreme desert surroundings and satisfied their hunger after eating only small amounts. Hoodia Gordnii Extract which effectively makes the Hoodia Diet Patch #1 in the diet aid world.

Tom Mangold (from the BBC) has been quoted as saying after trying the Hoodia Diet Patch: "It is a magic plant with a miracle ingredient which could help us all become thin once again."

Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes stated after using the Hoodia Diet Patch:

"it's very different from diet stimulants like Ephedra and Phenfen that are now banned because of dangerous side effect. Hoodia does not stimulate at all. Scientist say it fools the brain by making you think you're full, even if you've just eaten a morsel. Stahl said she felt no after effects. There wasn't a funny taste in her mouth, no queasy stomach, and no racing heart. She wasn't hungry all day.

The New Hoodia Patch is the most effortless way to lose weight. It is also the most powerful diet patch on the market. The Hoodia Diet Patch is 100%, pure Hoodia Gordonii Extract. It has been heralded on 60 Minutes, the BBC and in O, The Oprah Magazine. As mentioned before, there are no side effects, the extract is completely natural and safe.

The process is simple. Apply the patch to a relatively hair free part of the body, and after 24 hours replace the patch with a new one in a slightly different part of the body to allow the skin to breath. By using the Hoodia Diet Patch a 100% of the essence of Hoodia is transfered directly into your body.