Spot Out Scanning Errors
Most products nowadays bear a Universal Product Code (UPC) or bar code. This symbol, which is a series of numbers and vertical bars of varying thicknesses, is in fact the ID of the product. When the UPC symbol of a product is scanned, a computer decodes the symbol and sends the price to the register. The price appears on a display screen and on your printed receipt. This technology allows fast checkout time and facilitates inventory records among other advantages.
Electronic scanning is also said to be more reliable than human price quoting. But there is no denying that this technology is not foolproof and scanning errors often occurs. It can result in undercharges but most of the time in overcharges. Overcharges can cost the individual shopper money, especially if the shopper does not notice them when they occur. It is often due to the fact that shoppers do not remember posted prices or special promotions when they check out too.
When checking out, it is essential to spot pricing errors at the register. You should watch the display screen for prices. In case of overcharge, you should speak up and inform the cashier. You can also make an inquiry about the store’s policy on pricing errors, and ask the cashier to make the adjustment before you pay. Some stores simply adjust the price, but others deduct an additional amount or some even offer the item for free. You should also bring a copy of the store’s flyer or newspaper advertisement. Some advertised promotion may not be stored in the computer and must be keyed manually by the cashier.
Eventually, make sure to check carefully your receipt before you leave the store. At this moment if you spot an error, you have to ask the cashier to adjust the total. But in the case that you already left the cashier’s lane, you can approach the store or department manager or the customer service department to correct any mistakes.
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